Supporting families and individuals struggling with another's addiction.
A safe and supportive space to:
Learn. || Understand. || Accept. || Choose.
This is where you can start to explore which of the three, online, live and interactive programmes will best suit you and your family. Each one is specifically designed to support anyone struggling with their loved one's addiction by providing a supportive, and safe space where you will receive personal guidance, support, and education, together with tools and techniques for you to learn about addiction, heal from the impact of addiction and start to reclaim your life whist contributing to a positive outcome for you, your family and your loved ones.
Do you need Help?
Do you feel like your life has been hijacked by another's addiction?
Do you and your family want your loved one to stop using but nothing you try works?
Do you feel stressed, anxious, exhausted, angry, alone, helpless, hopeless?
Read about some of the benefits my clients have gained from particiapating in the Family Recovery Programme.